Thursday, November 15, 2012

On the Eleventh Day of Thanksgiving Recipes...

we're giving them appetizers!

Does your family get their early and then whine that they are hungry and when is it going to be ready? Mine does, well mostly the kids. To keep them out of the kitchen where I'm working I usually try to have a couple things they can munch on before the meal so they aren't eating all the olives, pickles and stuff off the relish trays. Generally I give them vegetables and dip and then something to go with crackers like a cheese ball or hot dip. I'm sharing with you today my superb recipe for Hot Artichoke Crab Dip. Even the kids love this one with all it's cheesy, creamy goodness. So here you go:

Hope you enjoy this, it's yummy!

Tomorrow's the last day of Thanksgiving recipes...wonder what we'll have?

Love ya,

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